

Jerusalem: Rise before dawn to visit vigil at David's Tomb

Jerusalem: "Knesset Am Yisrael" (All night encampment)

Jerusalem: Festival Morning at Kotel (Western Wall)

Jerusalem: Kiddush of Jeff Seidel "Jewish Student Information Center"

Jerusalem: (Great Synagogue)

Jerusalem: Lunch

Jerusalem: Walking Tour with Hanna Bendcovsky: Armenian Cathedral of (two) St. James, Greek Catholic, church for Russian Israeli Christians, Holy Sepulchre and more

Jerusalem: "light Dinner" at Sephardic Center

Jerusalem: Sound and Light at David's Tower

Jerusalem: Informal at Café in Christian quarter


TIBERIAS: Maimonides Synagogue: Maimonides, Isaiah Horowitz (“Shelah”), Yohanan Ben Zakkai). Driveby: Rachel wife of Akiva, Meir Baal HaNes,

Sea of Galilee Roadside: Deganiah-including Tank, Tzemah, Kinneret

Yardenit: witness "baptizing"

Hammat Gader: Parrot show, exhibitions, Roman Ruins, Hot Springs

Naharayim: Peace Island, hydroelectric works, massacre site, farmlands leased from Jordan

Bet Alpha: Synagogue Mosaic

Bet Shean (Scythopolis): Lunch

Roadside (Drive-by): Nebi Musa, St. George Center and Garden Tomb

Jerusalem: Sephardic Center Check-in

Jerusalem: Festival Eve at Kotel

Jerusalem: Dinner at Sephardic Center

Jerusalem: Walking Tour: Hurva, Ohel Yitzhak, Muslim Quarter, Via Dolorosa



Haifa: Bahai Gardens and Shrine

Haifa: Univ. of Haifa, reception with German Student group and Intl. Programs 

lecture by Yisrael Neeman, campus tour

Lunch with Menachem Mor

Sepphoris: Star of the Galilee; city of St. Anne, grandmother of Jesus

Nazareth: Annunciation Church and Miriam's Well, Carpentry. Saw Roman Catholic wedding

Nazareth: Greek Orthodox Church--Saw Greek Orthodox Wedding

Kafr Kana: Wedding Church (Roman Catholic) piece of floor from ancient synagogue below church. Saw Wedding renewal

Tiberias: Sea of Galilee-Boat ride

Korazim: Karei Deshe, Check In and Dinner, Class meeting  

Lecture at 3-D Map, Walk to Sea of Galilee.



Korazim: MOUNT OF Beatitudes 

Tabgha: Loaves and Fishes 

Tabgha: Primacy of Peter 

Capernaum: Synagogue 

Katzrin: Yekev (Golan winery) 

Katzrin: Lunch On Own 

Golan: Har Ben Dov and Quneitra Overlook 

Golan: Magnetic Rock - roadside stop 

Meron: Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai

Safed: three synagogues and artist colony

Karei Deshe: Dinner Class Meeting, and "reception"


Saturday May 15

Some of us went to Shaharit Morning services. These were followed by an informal light meal (Kiddush) honoring a Bar Mitzvah and Bride&groom.

solve issues (room considerations, then walk to shopping, etc.

Lunch at Hotel


Dinner on Own


Haifa: Elijah Cave

Kibbutz Lohamei HaGitaot: "Bayit" (Museum) and Yad Layeled (Children's Memorial)

Rosh Haniqra

Lunch in Acco

Acco: Crusader City (mostly underground)

Acco: Walking Tour-including port and market

Acco: Ali Jazzar Pasha Mosque

Haifa: Mincha/Maariv

Haifa: Shabbat Dinner--with ritual

Haifa: Walk to Louis Promenade, Gan Ha-Em, Dan Hotel


Ascension Day Armenians, Coptic, Syriac and Greek Orthodox. Hana Bendcowsky

Pelagia/Hulda/Rabia tomb-- Hana Bendcowsky and Miriam Frankel

Hebrew Univ. Rothberg School- signing, meeting.

Hebrew Univ. Mt. Scopus Brief Tour: Amphitheater, Sinatra Cafeteria, Tilted Tree

Hadassah Hospital—Aylana Siegel Richman

Mary's Well, Visitation Church

Yitzhak Greenfield Gallery

“American Diner”

Caesaria—Roman and Crusader Ruins, Roman Amphitheater

Druze Welcome--Abu Antar's home

Druze Dinner and shopping

Mt Carmel Hotel in Haifa—Check-in

Class Meeting 



From: Posterous [mailto:post@posterous.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:52 PM
To: Seth Ward
Subject: Posterous | Re: Untitled




Wednesday May 12 2010 

Yad Vashem: Tour led in large part by Sara Robinson 

Lunch at Cafeteria of Yad Vashem 

Israel Museum: Model of Jerusalem 

Israel Museum: Shrine of the Book (Dead Sea Scrolls) 

Knesset Entrance and Menorah 

Tower of David Museum

Yom Yerushalayim Reception: Meet Mayor and Mrs. Nir Barkat, hear Police Orchestra with Yehoram Gaon tribute singer

Class Meeting

Reception with Kivunim—“New  Directions”

Walk—Old City Overview (and in range of concert), walk through park, Yemin Moshe and Mishkenot Sha’ananim including Windmill and Carriage, King David Hotel Tour

King David Patio-Café service and watch Yom Yerushalayim Fireworks

Dinner on Own






overlook-Mt. of Olives 

Tomb of Haggai and Malachi, Palm Sunday Walk, Garden of Gethsemane


City of David, Movie, Hezekiah Tunnel, Street of Steps

Siloam Pool (recently discovered pool)

Martef Hashoah-Holocaust Cellar

Coenaculum-Zion Gate-intro to Jewish Quarter


Café HaRova--Lunch overlooking Temple Mount

Davidson Center: Museum and Antiquities at South side of Temple Mount

Kotel--free time

Kotel Tunnel Tour

Exit from Tunnel Tour Via Dolorosa Stations 2-5

Bet Shemuel-Class Meeting

Bet Shemuel Snack Shop--Dinner on Own

Night Tour--Ben Yehudah Mall