University of Wyoming in Israel Study Experience 2012. May 15-17.

Tuesday, May 15 [GUIDE/DRIVER]

Meeting with Guide at the airport in Arrivals Hall

Caesarea archeological complex (time permitting): Beach and Crusader area.

Druze dinner at Ussafiya / with Guide discussing Druze religion.

Overnight: Gallery Hotel, Haifa [D]

Course Meeting

Late night walking tour to City Hall, government area, Science Museum (old Technion building)



Wednesday, May 16 [GUIDE/DRIVER]

Stella Maris: San Francisco lookout, Church, Napoleonic History

Walk down 400 ft.

Elijah's Cave on Mount Carmel

Walk back to Bus

University of Haifa

Greeting by International Program

Talk on Political Situation by Israel

Tour and meet with students from UPenn  and UWisc-Madison

Lunch at Univ. of Haifa

Lohamei HaGetaot – Ghetto Fighters Museum / with local guiding by Tanya: Children’s Memorial and Main House Warsaw Ghetto uprising room

Rosh Hanikrah ocean caves

Rosh Hanikrah-Border visit

Acco: Tour of “Anwar Ahmadiyya Mosque” Jazzar Pasha Mosque—with Sabri

Tour of old Acco seaport's Crusader-era castle

Dinner served at hotel

Overnight: Gallery Hotel, Haifa [B / D]

Discusion by Sadeq about Ahmadi community at Kababir—including his great grandfather who was exiled from a village near Jerusalem and moved to Haifa, and conversion to Ahmadiyya by missionaries in British Mandate period.

 Carmelit—underground Cable Car

“Ha-Ogen” in Port district.

Walk back to Hadar.


Thursday, May 17

Begin travel eastwards to the Sea of Galilee

Nazareth-Annunciation Church-Roman Catholic. Crypt.

Portion of Mass in Spanish

“Carpentry of Joseph” church-Portion of Mass for Ascension Thursday in Arabic

Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation, Mary Well

Synagogue where Jesus spoke according to Luke, and Church of Greek Catholic tradition

Walking tour of Tzfat – Defenders’ Square, Chernobyler Kloyz, Ashkenazi Ari synagogue, light lunch with Yemeni pancakes, Livnot ulhibanot, descent to 16th century city including mikveh.

Walk through art colony. (Abohab synagogue closed, Elsheikh synagogue—mentioned story of inscription said to have saved it, Caro synagogue, home and cave inaccessible).

Travel through Golan-pass magnetite rock

Har Bental—Ash cone partially wiped away by lava flow, visit Israeli military position and overlook to Syria (Kuneitra) and Mt. Hermon

Katzrin—Yarden and Golan wines

Tour of Kibbutz Ein Gev

St. Peters Fish dinner at Kibbutz Ein Gev (payment on own) / with Guide

Grave of Maimonides

Overnight: Gallery Hotel, Haifa  

Supplementary Instruction Meeting at Hotel