May 19-Shabbat in Jerusalem

Saturday, May 19 [ON OWN] 
Day on own in Jerusalem 
Lunch and Dinner included at hotel 
Class S I Meeting
Participants did things such as...
Slept late. Visited Old City. Walked around. Went to Mall. Went to a synagogue service. Went to Tel Aviv. 
Overnight: Prima Kings

Seth Ward

Religious Studies

University of Wyoming

Friday, May 18 ‎

Friday, May 18 

The Bahai Gardens on Mt. Carmel – Rhiannon Lecture, Gardens, Shrine

Beit Shearim catacombs from the Talmudic Era

Christian Zionism Lecture: Jacob


Beit Alpha – Talmudic-era synagogue

Discussion of Area C and related issues on bus

Lunch stop in  Jordan valley

Drive by Kasr al-Yahud (traditional baptism of Jesus site), Nabi Musa (off main highway), Good Samaritan

Check-in at hotel

Overnight: Prima Kings [B / D]

Shira Hadasha—Evening Service

dinner served

Walking Tour: King David Hotel, Mamilla Mall

Automatic reply: [uwise] University of Wyoming in Israel StudyExperience 2012. May 15-17.

I will be away from my office from 8 May until 26 June.  I will have variable e-mail access while I'm  away, although contacting you via phone may be difficult.  If you leave a voice-mail (307-766-6259) I will have access to that through my e-mail.

If you have questions regarding the Religious Studies Program, please contact Clayleen Rivord at 307-766-3204.  We have no secretarial staff after mid-June, so I you need help, please contact the A&S Dean's Office, 307-766-4106, for help with questions about the Religious Studies Program.

Kristine Utterback

Associate Professor

  Religious Studies

University of Wyoming in Israel Study Experience 2012. May 15-17.

Tuesday, May 15 [GUIDE/DRIVER]

Meeting with Guide at the airport in Arrivals Hall

Caesarea archeological complex (time permitting): Beach and Crusader area.

Druze dinner at Ussafiya / with Guide discussing Druze religion.

Overnight: Gallery Hotel, Haifa [D]

Course Meeting

Late night walking tour to City Hall, government area, Science Museum (old Technion building)



Wednesday, May 16 [GUIDE/DRIVER]

Stella Maris: San Francisco lookout, Church, Napoleonic History

Walk down 400 ft.

Elijah's Cave on Mount Carmel

Walk back to Bus

University of Haifa

Greeting by International Program

Talk on Political Situation by Israel

Tour and meet with students from UPenn  and UWisc-Madison

Lunch at Univ. of Haifa

Lohamei HaGetaot – Ghetto Fighters Museum / with local guiding by Tanya: Children’s Memorial and Main House Warsaw Ghetto uprising room

Rosh Hanikrah ocean caves

Rosh Hanikrah-Border visit

Acco: Tour of “Anwar Ahmadiyya Mosque” Jazzar Pasha Mosque—with Sabri

Tour of old Acco seaport's Crusader-era castle

Dinner served at hotel

Overnight: Gallery Hotel, Haifa [B / D]

Discusion by Sadeq about Ahmadi community at Kababir—including his great grandfather who was exiled from a village near Jerusalem and moved to Haifa, and conversion to Ahmadiyya by missionaries in British Mandate period.

 Carmelit—underground Cable Car

“Ha-Ogen” in Port district.

Walk back to Hadar.


Thursday, May 17

Begin travel eastwards to the Sea of Galilee

Nazareth-Annunciation Church-Roman Catholic. Crypt.

Portion of Mass in Spanish

“Carpentry of Joseph” church-Portion of Mass for Ascension Thursday in Arabic

Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation, Mary Well

Synagogue where Jesus spoke according to Luke, and Church of Greek Catholic tradition

Walking tour of Tzfat – Defenders’ Square, Chernobyler Kloyz, Ashkenazi Ari synagogue, light lunch with Yemeni pancakes, Livnot ulhibanot, descent to 16th century city including mikveh.

Walk through art colony. (Abohab synagogue closed, Elsheikh synagogue—mentioned story of inscription said to have saved it, Caro synagogue, home and cave inaccessible).

Travel through Golan-pass magnetite rock

Har Bental—Ash cone partially wiped away by lava flow, visit Israeli military position and overlook to Syria (Kuneitra) and Mt. Hermon

Katzrin—Yarden and Golan wines

Tour of Kibbutz Ein Gev

St. Peters Fish dinner at Kibbutz Ein Gev (payment on own) / with Guide

Grave of Maimonides

Overnight: Gallery Hotel, Haifa  

Supplementary Instruction Meeting at Hotel 

The "Free Weekend" !

FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2010

(for some):  Hebron: Tomb of the Patriarchs

Bethlehem: Tour of Bethlehem University with Adnan Musallam

Bethlehem: Turathuna Palestine Cultural Museum

Bethlehem: Nativity Church

For some: Tel Aviv—Dancing, beach

SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2010,  SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2010,  MONDAY MAY 31, 2010

Assist group through security clearance

Flights, US Customs

GreenRide CO DIA to Laramie





TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2010

Transfer to Border and goodbye to Avraham Herzl

Border crossings

Coffee in Aqaba

To Petra, with stop overlooking Arava

Tour Petra, with free time at end

Lunch in Wadi Musa

Return to Border with stop overlooking Wadi Rum

Border crossing, transfer to Hotel

Class Meeting

Dinner on Own


(Free Beach) or sleep late

Lunch, Dinner on own

Many: Snorkeling in coral reefs

Depart for Taba Border-transfer

Ride to Jabal Musa (Mt. Sinai). Trixie: rent room, nap.

THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010

Climb Jabal Musa---Sunrise  on summit

Tour of Summit (Byzantine church, mosque, Moses’ cave; views of Saint Catherine peak, Abbas Pasha Castle; Mini lecture—descent via stairs Elijah’s garden on way down.

(Coffee shop break)

Tour of Santa Caterina including bone-house

Nabatean Inscriptions

Nuweiba: Drivethrough tour

Transfer to Taba/Eilat Border

Lunch on own

Organize bus and cabrides to Egged

Depart for Tel Aviv or Jerusalem

“Free Weekend” check-in. Maronite Convent, Zion Square, Momo.


MONDAY, MAY 24, 2010

Some: Egged Bus Tel Aviv to Beer Sheva or Beer Sheva to Eilat

Gan Yavneh: Casa Shalom—Tour and reception

Lunch at Ben Gurion with Amy Jacobs

Ben Gurion Univ. Einav Dirkson presents study abroad options

Solar Installation--BGU/Sdeh Boqer

Tour with Grad Students

Pot Luck Dinner with students

Raz Arbel at Ben Gurion gravesite overlooking Nahal Zin

Makhtesh Ramon overlook

Check In Peninat Hayam in Eilat

Class Meeting


SUNDAY, MAY 23, 2010

Independence Hall

Beit HaTanakh Museum above Independence Hall

Jaffa walking Tour

Lunch Break

Shopping-Flea Market

Palmach Museum

Dr. Shakshuka

Class Meeting and Farewell to Linda and Sara


SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2010

Free time: Synagogue, touring, walking to beach

Tel Aviv: Lunch

Some: Tel Aviv Walking Tour—Ben Gurion’s Home, City Hall, Rabin Square (site of assassination), Chen Blvd, Cultural Center (Habima/Mann Halls), Rothschild Blvd, Ahad Ha-Am, School where arms were hidden, Sheinkin, Bialik St. (Rubin Museum and Bialik house) Idelsohn St., Ben Yehuda.

Some: St. Peter's in Jaffa, exploring Jaffa on-you-own

Dinner on Own


THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2010

Jerusalem: Post Office

Jerusalem: Driving Tour of Ramat Shelomo (where announced building project during Joe Biden’s vist), including "770" building patterned after Chabad headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn.

Nabi Samwil (Mosque, Jewish community abandoned in 1948).

Bet Shemesh: stop at pharmacy

Bet Jimal (Kfar Gamla): House of Gamaliel--Salesian brothers, meterological station, church.

Bet Jimal: Convent Sisters of Bethlehem, Assumption of Mary

Bet Gubrin: Roadside Lunch

Lakia: Beduin Women’s Weaving Cooperative "Sitra"

Kefar Nokdim: Camel Ride

Beduin Hospitality with Muhammad Afif

Check In


KumSitz (Campfire)